
Supporting the Chesapeake Bay

Chesapeake Bay Association Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization committed to protecting our great natural resource, the Chesapeake Bay. We support improvements to the Bay's environment, especially related to the environment's impact on commerce ...

Partnering With You

We are not an umbrella organization. We partner with communities and community groups on joint ventures benefitting the Chesapeake Bay as well as residents and communities on and near the Bay. Please contact us if we can help your community with a ...


Chesapeake Bay Association Membership (We are a 501c3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization)

Chesapeake Bay Association Membership (We are a 501c3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization)

General Membership (Annual thru Dec. 31, 2024)

Join other residents who appreciate our great natural …
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Bay Lover's Membership (Annual through Dec. 31, 2024)

We support the Chesapeake Bay's environment especially as …
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Advertiser (Annual through Dec. 31, 2024)

We welcome those who want to advertise with us on our web …
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What We Do

Community Projects on Chesapeake Bay

Community Projects on Chesapeake Bay

Environmental Improvements

Working with communities on and near the Bay to protect the Bay and its tributaries by …
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Commerce Support

Supporting commerce on the Chesapeake Bay. 
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Recreational Activities Support

Supporting the Chesapeake Bay's tremendous recreational activities benefitting so many …
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Community Partner

Working with communities and groups on and near the Chesapeake Bay as a partner on …
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Our Team

Officers and Directors

Officers and Directors

President of the Association.


24/7 availability
Venmo accepted
Debit & Credit cards accepted

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Areas Covered

Communities on & near the Chesapeake Bay

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How Can We Help?

How can we help you? Send us your questions or comments and we will contact you. Thank you!